To bring schools from the interior of Mallorca closer to the first maritime and terrestrial national park, the Archipelago of Cabrera. Knowledge of its natural and cultural environment. To raise awareness and appreciation of the richness of its land and marine fauna and flora, as well as to understand the importance of its conservation. Raising participants’ awareness, environmental awareness and good practices for the conservation of the Cabrera Archipelago.DEVELOPMENT
Publication of the magazine “L’arxipèlag de Cabrera, un paradís natural” (The Cabrera Archipelago, a natural paradise) which was used as a tool during visits to the archipelago. Publication of posters that were exhibited in schools. Seven visits were made to Cabrera by boat, subsidised by Cemex, which had a very positive impact on schoolchildren from Binissalem, Bunyola, Inca, Costitx, Santa Eugènia and Sencelles, and from the “Duendes y Estrellas” association (an association for dysfunctional families).

1.000 magazines were published and distribution, a large part of them I the participating centres.PARTICIPANTS
400 children from the schools of Bunyola, Binissalem, Inca, Costitx, Santa Eugènia and Sencelles, as well as the association of children from dysfunctional families “Duendes y Estrellas”. Also invited were groups of senior citizens and parents of school children.