The campaign was aimed at the whole of Mallorca to transmit information about threatened, vulnerable or endangered species of fauna and flora. It also wanted to raise awareness among schoolchildren about the importance of loving flora and fauna everywhere and to spread good practices for the conservation of the natural environment. To make children aware of exotic or invasive animals that they should not acquire as pets.DEVELOPMENT
The magazine “La crisi de l’extinció cara a cara” (The extinction crisis face to face) was created and published. From 28th April to 23rd May, an exhibition of plants and animals in danger of extinction was held at the Aiamans Palace (Lloseta). Large explanatory panels and photographs were displayed. Audiovisuals were projected concerning our flora and fauna in danger of extinction. There were practical explanations with introduced species and autochthonous species.
In the six years that passed between the first exhibition and this one, the information panels had to be re-edited because the number of endangered species had soared.