Due to the absence of rivers, the torrents are of great importance for the life of the island. The aim was to show primary school children how a torrent works: the processes of formation, the water cycle, the fauna and flora that surround it. The importance of its conservation. And in general, to promote interest in nature and make children aware of the need to take care of our environment.
The magazine “Torrents de Mallorca” was created and published and distributed to the schools of the Mancomunitat des Raiguer, Sa Pobla, Bunyola and the Mancomunitat des Pla. Eleven trips were made to different torrents, seven of which were to the Torrent de Pareis. The other streams were Vinagrella, Almedrà and Sant Miquel. This campaign was completed with a drawing competition on torrents. The drawings were exhibited at the Ca’n Gelabert cultural centre (Binissalem) and five prizes were awarded; the event was attended by authorities from the local councils and the Balearic Government.

5,000 magazines were published and 2,800 were distributed in the educational centres of the Mancomunitat des Raiger and Mancomunitat des Pla.
A total of 700 schoolchildren and 48 educators from schools in Campanet, Binissalem, Mancor del Valle, Alaró, Lloseta, Llubí, Inca, Consell, Búger and Santa Maria.