To raise awareness on the species of flora and fauna of the coastal marine environment of the Balearic Islands for 4th, 5th and 6th year primary school pupils.
To promote interest in nature, living beings and their conservation.
To raise children’s awareness on the importance of protecting the environment.
Creation and publication of the educational magazine “Balears i la mar” (The Balearic Islands and the Sea). The magazine was distributed to educational centres as a tool to explore the concepts and characteristics of the local fauna and flora. Finally, an outing was organised with each educational centre in the Raiguer and Pla de Mallorca that was interested. The outings took place in Son Serra de Marina, as this coastal area has areas suitable for the development of these educational days such as the dunes, beach, streams and flat rock.

5,000 magazines were published and distributed to 28 schools in the Mancomunidades del Raiguer and Pla de Mallorca.
A total of 1,400 schoolchildren from 27 schools in Búger, Selva, Alaró, Consell, Inca, Caimari, Binissalem, Llubí, Campanet, LLoseta, Mancor de la Vall, Santa Maria del Camí, Marratxí, Costitx, Maria, Petra, Santa Eugènia and Sencelles.